Good Morning!
If you can call a day that starts with a little rain and a mass of cloud cover and very little light "good". I'm of the age that thinks any morning you wake up and get out of bed can be called "good". And indeed today is good for something. It's perfect weather for reading. I just finished a new book Interred With Their Bones by Jennifer Lee Carrell. This book tells the story of an exciting chase for a the lost Shakespearan play, "Cardenio". It's an action story with lots of historical detail, much in the same vein as "The DaVinci Code" only with a female protagonist (a scholar turned director of Shakespeare plays) and with an Elizabethean theme. As you may have surmised from previous posts, I'm a crane nut. I love Sandhill Cranes and birding generally. Another one of my passions is Shakespeare. I make a pilgrimage every year to Stratford, Ontario for a week of theatre (they spell theater with an "re" in Canada). We go to a matinee performance and an evening performance for 5 days, see a matinee on Sunday and start back to Wisconsin. Most of the plays we see are Shakespeare although the Stratford Festival started doing Broadway musicals a few years ago ( they used to do Gilbert and Sullivan productions which were just marvelous and were somewhat historic and very British so that sort of worked)and don't get me going on that ! I mean musicals are great and they are very well done with high production values but it's not really Shakespeare, is it? Anyway. The book by Carrell is very well done and a bit of a page turner. It's a great read for a dreary October morn.
Have a great one!

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