Here begins the plague
The library has been closed for exactly a week today. We had been providing curbside service for the week prior when social gatherings of 10 or more were banned by executive order of Governor Evers. A Safer At Home order was issued that took effect at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, March 25th, so we shut things down the evening before at 5 p.m.
No one is to go out except to the grocery stores, pharmacies, doctor appointments, and essential work. All library self,except myself was told to work from home. I would check the book drops, be there for mail and other deliveries, check on the facility, manage the operational side of things like bill processing, coordinating a boiler and controller replacement, and helping with arrangements for the library to be a polling place at the spring election.
I have been busier than usual with more intense social interactions over the phone or Zoom (virtual conferencing) than one usually has in person.
These truly are strange times. I thought I might start up this blog again. Perhaps for sharing with the library public.
This Blog has DeForest Book Rat in the title. I do consider myself a book rat as others might consider themselves gym rats because I read all the time. I read a lot. I read eclectically.
I thought I might share some of the titles I have been reading and some of my thoughts about those titles and the place of literature in a time of pestilence.
Guess we'll see how this goes!