Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Survey Monkey, et.al

Good Morning!

I know that there is a general fear of asking for comments and input. And the fear's the same whether you put out a cardboard box (nicely covered in wrapping paper to make it look attractive, with a slot cut in the top and color-coordinated slips of paper cut to a uniform size that when folded in half will slip easily into the aforementioned slot laid neatly next to the box with a supply of writing utensils nearby and the motto "Comment Box"emblazoned on the side) or a paper survey with carefully crafted questions and not too many open-ended ones at that, or something as wonderful as an online link to something like Survey Monkey. The fear is that there will be negative comments and of course there will be. But I have been through enough customer service workshops and trainings, and I have enough years on me to have observed, that negative comments can be gold. You can't fix a problem if you don't know the problem exists. Allowing anonymous comments lets loose some people's demons which they then visit, full-force, upon you. But this negative energy is exactly that, energy. Which if left undealt with can run like a virus through your customer base. But if met and mediated head on, it can strengthen your institution. I believe the metaphor I've just created is the "Vaccine Model of Customer Service". Dealing with the negative comments and customers strengthens the resilience, the immune system, the ability of the institution to be nimble and responsive, in a way that all the aren't-we-just-wonderful cheer leading comments we all love to get does not. And that negative energy with the right handling can be turned to positive energy -- it's sort of a Zen thing. Do I like negative comments? Of course not, but they are necessary. Do I want to solicit them so that customers have an easy way to vent their spleen at the library rather than tell all their friends about what an awful thing just happened to them and have those friends each tell all their friends? You betcha! I really believe in the power of the group. Ive been involved in many process during my career that proved to me beyond a doubt that the group is smarter than I am -- well, most of the time. Anytime I can get help from others, I'm more than willing to take it. Anyway, an institution like a public library needs to serve the public and the best way to know if you are (serving the public) and how good a job that public thinks you are doing, is to ask them!
All that being said, I would now like to invite you, Gentle Reader, to follow this link to my first Survey Monkey survey and tell me "Whad da ya want?" so that I can attempt to do something about it. Thanks for reading!


Pinky said...

I filled out your survey for my "dream" library. It would take me years to really list everything I would like to see. Hope you post your results!

Book Rat said...

Thanks for taking the time to take the survey. I hope someone else does!