Saturday, September 13, 2008

I Told You I'd be back......

Greetings once again!

Here is a bit from my last library column about one of the new and exciting things happening at the library. Yes, we finally got our new electronic locker system up and running! So, here it the first public announcement of it. And yes, I did see the "Music Man" this summer at the Stratford Festival.

Maestro! May I have a drum roll please? Rat Ta Tat Tat. And perhaps a flourish from the trumpets? Dum da da dum! I would like to make a very important announcement. Starting immediately – if not sooner – you will be able to pick up the books you have on hold any hour of the day or night! That’s 24 hours a day, seven days a week (Well, in most weeks anyway.) “How is this amazing new service possible”? I hear you ask. Well, it’s not because we have the library open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is because of technology! With a capital “T” and that rhymes with “E” and that stands for “Electronic Lockers”. Yes, my friends. We have a set of newfangled lockers located on the south side of the library building right next to the book return. Now just imagine, my friend, you’re getting dolled up to go out to a fish fry on a Friday night. And you look at the clock and you see that the library will be closing any minute and you wanted to pick up those dvds and books that were sitting on the hold shelf waiting for you. So, what you do? Do you rush to get dressed and hop in your car and speed over to the library and risk getting a ticket? No.Do you say to yourself, “Well dash it all. I guess I’ll just have to get them sometime on Saturday, but that means that I can’t go to the blood bank and some poor person who needs type AB negative blood will just have to wait for their transfusion.” No. Because now you can call the library and ask them to check the books out and put them in a locker. Then you can swing by the library after you’re filled with fish, fries, and slaw (and maybe a little dessert), pop open the locker and get your materials which have already been checked out to you by the ever friendly, pleasant, and helpful library staff. “But how is this possible?” I hear you ask. Well, friends. When you call the library to ask to use the locker, you will be given – or you can mutually agree upon – your very own, special, one-time only PIN number!!!!! You simply punch your code into the keypad and viola! A door behind which your materials are patiently waiting pops open and you can collect your materials! Isn’t technology grand? If you would like to try out this new service, please give us a call at 846-5482.

That's two posts in one day -- in case you're counting! In my defense, it has been raining all day here so this gives me something to do to keep me out of trouble -- with a capital "T" and that rhymes with "Pool".


This is unacceptable!

Goodness Gracious me!

My how time flies when you're not engaged in a project that asks you to blog regularly. How is it possible that I haven't written anything since March. March!!! I mean really. Since March, I've been on two vacations. One to the East Coast which included Gettysburg, Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown, Monticello, Mt. Vernon, and the Hiddenite Emerald Mine in Hiddenite, North Carolina where I went panning for gemstones and got a few too! In August I made my usual pilgrimage to Stratford, Ontario to immerse myself in a week of two-a-day theater experiences. I returned to work 27 days ago and have not had a day off since then. I have had one meeting after another, have had to put together a number of budget scenarios and a power point for a presentation to our village's Finance and Administration Committee, worked the primary election and had a library board meeting on the same day, and have generally been busy, busy, busy. I do write regularly. I email daily to a friend, which I could just as well do here and it would have the added feature of keeping me blogging so if ever I do link this to our library's web page, it won't have 6 month gaps. I mean really. How is that even possible? So, gentle readers, my apologies. I will post again soon -- possibly even tomorrow -- about some of the exciting things that are happening at the library. And there have been exciting things which is one of the reasons I've found it so hard to keep writing here. Until tomorrow, then.

The Rat is back!!!!!